Hi Grade 7s!

Here is a blog just for us at FMT!

At any time, you and your parents can access class notes and important information from class. Feel free to post positive comments about the material and ask questions about lessons. Daily homework and important dates for assignments and tests will still be posted on Homework Hero. Enjoy!

Mrs. Scherger

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

7.3 - Outliers

7.3 The Effects of Outliers on Average Focus: understand how mean, median, and mode are affected by outliers. Create a stem and leaf chart using the data in Explore - p. 267: Then, Calculate the...mean ...median ...mode Now remove the outlier(s) and recalculate the ...mean ...median ...mode *An outlier is any number(s) in a set of data which is significantly different than the others *An outlier is much larger or much smaller than the other data *Some outliers occur as a result of an error in recording or measurement; these values should be ignored in any calculations *Sometimes outliers must not be ignored...they may provide important information...eg. really high or low test score!!!!!! *Not all outliers are obvious *Selecting outliers is sometimes a matter of choice. Example - the outliers in our data above are 8, 47, and 97 Practice page 269-70, #1-4 and 6 Stem and Leaf Plot Required!!!!

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