Hi Grade 7s!

Here is a blog just for us at FMT!

At any time, you and your parents can access class notes and important information from class. Feel free to post positive comments about the material and ask questions about lessons. Daily homework and important dates for assignments and tests will still be posted on Homework Hero. Enjoy!

Mrs. Scherger

Wednesday 23 May 2012

8.1 Parallel Lines

Focus - Use different methods to construct and identify parallel lines. Parallel Lines are lines on the same flat surface that never meet...they are the same distance apart, no matter where you measure. 3 different methods... 1) Ruler…Put a ruler down and draw a line on either side of the ruler. 2) Use a Compass… Make a line segment with a straight edge. Put a POINT at each end of this line segment and name these points….A and B. Put 2 points on the line about 4 cm apart. Name these 2 Points….E and F. Using your compass and a radius of 3 cm….. make 2 circles on your line segment….using points E and F as your circle centers. Strike a line from the top of 1 circle to the top of the other. Where this line contacts the circle……label the points…..H and I 3) Use a Protractor… Construct Line Segment AB. Place the protractor on the line segment. Mark 90° on the paper. Slide your Protractor 3-4 cm down the line segment and place a second point at 90°. Connect these two points with a ruler……name this new line segment MN

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