**Remember to check out your textbook for additional and background information.**
Source Analysis:
Look at the picture and answer the following questions:
What is happening?
What clues/evidence support your claim?
The Deportation
The Deportation, was the ethnic cleansing of the Acadian population from Nova Scotia, P.E.I., and Cape Breton between 1755 and 1763.
The relationship between the French and the English had always been filled with animosity.
British worry Acadians will be disloyal, tried to make them swear an oath or be deported.
1755 - That year, the British attacked the French Fort Beauséjour during the beginnings of a major military offensive to gain greater control of the continent.
Within the walls of the fort, 300 Acadians were found. Despite claims that they had been forced to take up arms against their will, the discovery completely eroded British trust of the Acadians.
Lawrence was raging mad over the amount of Acadians who had rallied to Beausejour’s defense.
Lawrence said, “Their pretending to have been taken forced to take up arms is an insult upon Common Sense.” “The Acadians will prove for ever a Thorn in our Side.”
He made sure that London found out about the 300 Acadians present at the Fort
Governor Lawrence gave the Acadians one last opportunity to swear allegiance to the British Crown. The Acadians again refused, believing that this demand was no different than ones made over the past few decades.
The British response was swift and unforgiving.
Before 1755 was over, an estimated 6,000 Acadians - approximately three-quarters of their total population - were rounded up as prisoners and forced onto ships. Nearly half would die en route.
Québec History 10 - The Acadians Deportation:
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