Hi Grade 7s!

Here is a blog just for us at FMT!

At any time, you and your parents can access class notes and important information from class. Feel free to post positive comments about the material and ask questions about lessons. Daily homework and important dates for assignments and tests will still be posted on Homework Hero. Enjoy!

Mrs. Scherger

Monday 31 October 2011

Chapter 2 Study Notes format:

Take 3 pieces of paper, place them on top of eachother with ½ an inch overlapping on each side. Then fold in half and staple to make a 6 pg booklet of study notes.

p.1 – Title Page – “Chapter 2 Quiz: New France and the Fur Trade”

p.2 – Fur Trade Vocabulary – courers de bois, wampum, Metis, etc.

p.3 – Fur Trade – Key Players (see class notes or notes on blog) roles of Merchants, First Nations, Courers de bois, King, etc.

p.4 – New France: Government – the roles and responsibilities of the King, Marquis de Frontenac, Jean Talon, Jean Baptiste Colbert,

p. 5 – New France: Seigneurial System - Seigneuries, Seigneurs, Habitants, roles and responsibilities of each.

p. 6 – Reflection:(leave space between each question to complete them later!)
During Studying: Questions to ask my teacher during class:

What concepts are difficult to understand?

After the quiz: What did I find difficult on the quiz?

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