Hi Grade 7s!

Here is a blog just for us at FMT!

At any time, you and your parents can access class notes and important information from class. Feel free to post positive comments about the material and ask questions about lessons. Daily homework and important dates for assignments and tests will still be posted on Homework Hero. Enjoy!

Mrs. Scherger

Thursday 27 October 2011

Seigneurial System Nots - October 27,28

Seigneuries – a large piece of land in New France given to a Seigneur by the King or the Governor.

Seigneur – a “land lord” or land owner who was given a piece of land by the king.

They were usually wealthy , important citizens e.g. retired military leaders, bishops, merchants.

The seigneurs split the large piece of land into smaller pieces and gave them to settlers (called Habitants).

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