Hi Grade 7s!

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Mrs. Scherger

Friday 21 October 2011

Seignuerial System handout

New France – The Seigneurial System

Seigneuries – a large __________ ____ __________ in New France ___________ to a

_________________ by the _________ or the ___________________.

Seigneur – a “_______________” who was given a __________ of _______by the king.

They were usually ______________ , ________________ citizens e.g. retired _________

leaders, _____________, ________________.

The seigneurs split the large piece of land into ______________ ____________ and gave

them to ______________ (called _________________).

In addition to giving the land away, the Seigneur had to _____________ a small _______

or __________, and a ________ where the _________ could grind their ________ into


1. Why did all the seigneuries and all of the settler’s strips of land need access to the river?


As the population grew and the river front was filled up, a ___________ ______ of

________________ was developed with no ____________ on the rivers.

2. What was a Habitant? __________________________________________________


The habitants could make a _________ _____________ on the land given to them. They

___________ their own ______ __________, cleared and _____________ their land, and produced enough to live on.

However, the habitants owed something to the seigneur for letting them live there.

Their _________ was called ________________________.

These were not __________ ________ and could usually be paid in _______ from the
_________ or with ____________.

The Habitants also agreed to give __ ________ each ________ to help ________ the

_______________ _________ ___ ________ (usually during ____________ and

____________ season).

3. Why do you think the Seigneur would have the Habitants work during those times of the year?

They also had to agree to give him 1/14th of the ____________ they produced at the

_______, a certain amount of the _________ ______ on their land, and some of the ____ they caught on their river front.

This was usually enough __________ to ensure that the ______________ lived a relatively comfortable life.

4. In the space remaining, draw and label the digram of the seignurie from the

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